Ligita Rence, Latvia, 2020

I had a bad experience, my husband had problems with his back and legs for a long time. We visited several doctors (neurologists, rehabilitilogists), but they turned out to be tablet prescribers. Now I am also in trouble. A knowledgeable person give me advise to consult with neurosurgeons. That’s how I came to Dr. R.Mikijanskis. After reviewing the results of my MGR examination and listening to my complaints, he immediately recommended surgery. I was in pain in my lumbar region and when I got up in the morning, the pain went down my legs to nausea. Given my years, I did not even allow the surgery to be possible. But there was no other option and I agreed to the surgery. The doctor said that I will spent one night in the hospital and go home the next day. And so it happened, I can’t believe the other day my legs didn’t hurt. But now I want to tell you about how doctors work in this hospital. I was scheduled for surgery in the morning and will be operated also by other doctor J.Slezins. But there was an emergency surgery and I had to wait. Late in the afternoon doctor Mikijanskis apologized for postponing the surgery, and it was clear to me without words how difficult and complicated their work had been that day. I believe that there are other doctors in this multi-profile hospital that you can trust and they will definitely help you.

Ligita Rence


Svetlana Gedola, Latvia, 2020

Here is writing your patient’s daughter, You performed surgery on her back in August, Valentina Ruskule, 83 years old. We want to thank you from the bottom of our heart! There are no words to express our gratitude! As you also said, after about 2 months, started to go completely to the right. At the moment, my mother feels very good, she exercises every day and goes for a walk (with sticks), moves around the house very freely and easily and always remembers you, your words and suggestions. She wanted me to write to you, greet from the bottom of our heart and say THANK YOU again! For my part, I would like to thank you for your attitude, for your sensitivity and sincerity, for your words “age is not a diagnosis”, for your hope and sense of security. Knowing that there are doctors like you, a brighter view of life. Thank you and your team.

Svetlana Gedola


Indra Spela, Cesis, Latvia, 2021

Many thanks to Dr. Janis Slezins, an anaesthetist and the whole team who performed my disc herniation surgery. Thanks to the professional work of doctors, I am now relieved from unbearable pain, which therefore has allowed me to significantly improve my quality of life. Many thanks to the staff of AIWA Clinic for the support provided after the surgery.

Indra Spela


Jose and Daiga, London, England , 2020

I would like to say a big thank you to myself for two wonderful doctors, dr. J Slezins and dr.R. Mikijanskis, who changed my life in one day with his professional work. I live in London and for more than 6 years I has been suffering from back pain. On 2018 I had L4 and L5 spinal decompression surgery was performed in London, but there was noimprovement. It got worse and worse.So one day My partner decided that in Latvia it is as it is, but the doctors are in capital letters there. Strating corespondence with Dr. J. Slezins everything was settled quickly and very quickly. All my questions werw answered even after midnight Latvian time. As it was in October 2020, after a short break, we finally met dr. J. Slezins. And with the help with these two wonderful doctors the day after the surgery the nightmare of many years, the pain, the restrictions on movement, EVERYTHING ended.Thank you and your Neirokirurgi team for the work, for the attitude you give to each patient, for the time to respond and provide information. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. And I can really recommend these doctors to solve your back problems quickly and responsibly.
Thanks to Jose and Daiga